
Attending CouplesThe modern day family has come under tremendous pressure from various realms spiritual, economic, social and political. The fabric of society has caved in all around us and the institution of marriage has suffered huge setbacks. We believe it is time to claim much of the lost ground in this regard. Life Changing Outreach as a project of the Church in Pietermaritzburg seeks to provide a stable platform for families in general and married couples in particular to develop and launch their ‘comeback’ strategies.

Life Changing Outreach relies on the Word of God and its sound doctrine to lead and guide families in finding their rightful place in society. We also believe that this project is in line with Word of God since marriage is His idea. God values family, even His only begotten Son was given a family on earth, made up of mother Mary, father Joseph and other siblings.

In every interaction and in every speech, Life Changing Outreach will endeavour to uphold family values and would seek to provide the necessary support to families through various strategic partnerships and seminars we will convene. It is our prayer that this project we embark upon shall undo the damage that the forces of darkness have inflicted on families, by instilling the values that God intended all people to embrace.